The Advanced Interactive Robotic Tools for the Inspection of Critical Infrastructures (AIRTICI) has as a goal the development of robotic tools and advanced techniques for the inspection of critical infrastructures to provide the industry with advanced diagnostics tools. The cost involved in the building and maintainance of critical infrastructures such as bridges, dams, power transmission lines and industrial chimneys, and the tangible and intangible consequences of their failures justify the existence of a program for monitoring and diagnosis the risk of the structure. This helps to decide when to perform the necessary preventive maintenance or repair for those structures.
Regarding this project a new autonomous QuadRotor for infrastructures inspection shall be developed with its usability demonstrated by using it in three different realistic scenarios. This project comprises a multidisciplinary team from a broad specturm of key areas of technology such as bridges, viaducts, and dams inspection (using classical techniques), aerial inspection of power transmission lines (using video image and lasers installed in tripulated helicopters) and industrial chimneys inspection (through infrared cameras, computer aided vision, robotics, advanced navigation systems and sensor acquired and processed signals).