Crack Monitoring
Reverse has developed a proprietary method to monitor cracks in Concrete Critical Infrastructures like bridges or dams.
Reverse was a supplier of the AIRTICI project (Advanced Interactive Robotic Tools for the Inspection of Critical Infrastructures) whose goal was the development of robotic tools and advanced techniques for the inspection of critical infrastructures to provide the industry with advanced diagnostics tools. The cost involved in the building and maintainance of critical infrastructures such as bridges, dams, power transmission lines and industrial chimneys, and the tangible and intangible consequences of their failures justify the existence of a program for monitoring and diagnose the risk of the structure. This helps to decide when to perform the necessary preventive maintenance or repair for those structures. This project comprised a multidisciplinary team from a broad specturm of key areas of technology such as bridges, viaducts, and dams inspection (using classical techniques), aerial inspection of power transmission lines (using video image and lasers installed in tripulated helicopters) and industrial chimneys inspection (through infrared cameras, computer aided vision, robotics, advanced navigation systems and sensor acquired and processed signals). To learn more about crack monitoring and the Reverse's method, please contact us. |
Non Contact ProfilometerReverse has developed a Non Contact Profilometer for quality control operations in the assembly line of piston rings manufacturing.
Detection of main features like surface angles and dimensions lead to quality assessment and resulting acceptance or rejection of the inspected ring. Reverse has industrial units working in the line without interruption since 2003. |
Fish Measurement
At fish auctions, there is a legal requirement to control the size of fish,. This task is usually performed by sampling, which is a slow and unreliable process and may provide heterogenous results.
FISHMETRICS is a stereo vision system that acquires exhaustively all the fish boxes in the auction. Remotely (at the level of the image) the samplers can measure the fish (with error of 1 mm), conducting a scientific, independent and uniform report. This project received the 2008 BES INNOVATION AWARD. Go to to learn more. |